
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Generate CSBF Reports

This page allows the user to generate Bank of Madagascar regulatory reports. This reports should have been configured on the first tab Configure CSBF reports and Support files/Loan Categories/Loan category 4.

How do we generate CSBF Reports.

To generate CSBF Reports you go to Accounts/Regulatory Reports/Central Bank of Madagascar/CSBF Report/Generate CSBF Configuration and the following screen appear:


  1. You can also use the report filter to filter your report according to Assets, Off- Balance sheet, and Liabilities and shareholders equity,

    These reports can be saved and viewed in PDF format too.

    Note that these reports should have been configured in the previous (configuration) tab

    Click Close to exit the report.


    IMF 103. This is one of the report not configured under the configuration Accounts/Regulatory Reports/Central Bank of Madagascar/CSBF Report/Configure CSBF reports like other CBSF reports but under Support Files /Loan Category 4. To produce this report, the user needs to have configured and defined product levels or Categories e.g

    1. 1. as level 1,
    2. 1.1 as level 2,
    3. 1.1.1, as level 3
    4. as level 4 for others and as the least level. As shown in the window below:

    The user should be able to select these loan categories at Loans/loan application/ Loan Entry Part 1 or update them under menu Loans/Update Loan Categories products and cycles.

    This report is also split according to client categories. Loan Performer may expect Client Category 1 to show:

    1. Particuliers (Individual)

    2. Groupements (Groups)

    3. MPME (Micro,Small and Medium Enterprises)

    4. Autres (Others). The levels will appear as below:

as seen below:

Contact LPF live support for more information
This service requires an Internet connection.

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